University of Minnesota
minnesota writing project
center for writing

Minnesota Writing Project.Center for Writing's home page.

Judi Petkau

© 2007

First Thing                                     7/27/07

Judi Petkau readingDo you want a piece of coffee?
A nod in reply, but
no words formed just yet.
Bare feet shuffle on
the kitchen floor.

Sleepy heads must work to
open the tight, twist waist of
the worn silver pot.
Italy in chilly Minnesota, roasted
all smelly good.
Constructed by routine, the
fine grind, dark-filled filter, add
clear water to line, twist
tight and
adjust flame.

Don't go too far.

For churning and gurgles and
steam, for
the magic of physics.
Brewed but not boiled,
espresso strong and ready.

Good morning to you.

Find the wheel-thrown mug, with
quiet matte glaze, and
perfectly wide rim, that's
worn like smooth stone.
Cupped by hands, now
hot and still groggy,
with fingers slipped through
an expertly curved handle
bearing the steadied gift.

Share a blop of
gentle cream, and
breathe awake.
Lift with care, to first sip
the soft, reliable kiss.