University of Minnesota
student writing support
center for writing

Student Writing Support.Center for Writing's home page.

Consultant biographies


Summer 2024 (starting June 3)


Anne has been a teacher of writing for 30 years, both in the U.S. and overseas, and a Multilingual Learner Specialist writing consultant for the last six years at the U of M. She likes to work on all kinds of writing with students, from application letters, to course lab reports & essays, to dissertations. She says, "Bring it on!" She speaks French but does better consulting in English. This photo is of her very BIG dog, Millie, who is just as tall as she is—maybe taller—on her hind legs...


Erin (she/her) is a graduate student in the Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior Department. Her dissertation research focuses on nutrient cycling in urban freshwater ecosystems. While she is particularly familiar with science writing, Erin is always eager to work with other disciplines. As a long-time teaching assistant, she has a lot of experience helping undergraduate students interpret prompts, brainstorm content, and articulate their great ideas onto a page. As a graduate student, she is familiar with the challenges (and excitement!) that come from using proposals and manuscripts to grapple with big ideas. Regardless of your career stage or the status of your writing project, Erin’s goal is for you to feel energized and confident in your next steps.


For her own writing, Jasmine (she/her/hers) finds getting started to be the hardest stage of any project, but for whatever reason, she loves supporting other writers' brainstorming. She also enjoys supporting high-stakes writing such as statements of purpose and fellowship essays, as well as dissertations. She likes to strategize with writers about how to break up a big project into manageable chunks in ways that work for one's personal style of writing and learning. Jasmine also has researched the experiences of doctoral writers of color and thinks a lot about the tension that many people encounter when they write in the academy. Jasmine grew up speaking Cantonese and English at home and is an alum of the U’s American Studies doctoral program.


Jennifer values collaborative writing and knowledge exploration, working with and alongside other writers at all stages of writing. As an interdisciplinary scholar pursuing her Ph.D. in agroecology, Jennifer adores working across disciplines including (but not limited to) environmental and agricultural sciences, urban planning, and geography. Within academic writing, Jennifer particularly enjoys supporting writers (individuals and teams!) working on lab reports, personal statements, grants, thesis papers, and dissertations. Beyond academic writing, Jennifer is committed to holding space for and supporting people engaging in the many types of writing that are required to access critical services such as healthcare, disability accommodations, and food/housing. Outside of SWS, Jennifer is passionate about theater, biking, reading, and all things food—including growing, foraging, cooking, eating, and sharing meals.

Joe F.

Joe F. has worked as a writing consultant in writing centers with several years of experience working with students who speak languages in addition to English. He’s a consultant who enjoys learning about writers and the contexts of their writings. Joe speaks French, Spanish, and some American Sign Language (ASL) as well as English. He has an M.A. in Spanish Linguistics, finished his coursework in the M.A. in TESOL program, and began the K-12 dual licensure program in ESL and Spanish in the summer of 2022. His interests include traveling, linguistics, nineteenth-century English, literature, cooking, and single-origin, two-ingredient, bean-to-bar chocolates.

Katie L.

A liberal arts nerd who majored in English; had almost-minors in Music, Art History, and Philosophy; switched focus in graduate school from Victorian Literature to Composition to Writing Center Studies; and took a loooong time to finish her own dissertation, Katie L. (she/her/hers) enjoys working with and learning from writers from across the disciplines. She wishes she could take more classes, including math, with which she struggles mightily. As a consultant, she is empathetic; curious about the ideas and experiences that writers want to share; and truly, nerdily, gleefully excited to support other people as they write. Katie is interested in collaborating with writers on finding ways to use their own voices and bust open new possibilities for writing in—or against—the university, or whatever other spaces and systems matter to them.


Kim is a consultant who is also an online teacher in the Department of Writing Studies. Kim is one of the Department’s Multilingual Learner Specialists and has worked in this role for 25 years. Kim currently teaches first-year writing and has taught technical and professional writing (she especially enjoys job seeking writing like cover letters, resumes, and C.V.s) and graduate writing. Kim looks forward to working with you on any kind of writing you are doing at any stage of the writing process!


Kriti is a Ph.D. candidate in Sociology with a minor in Development Studies and Social Change. Before starting her Ph.D. at the U, Kriti studied and taught Political Science in India. She welcomes both undergrad and grad writers, especially in the social sciences and humanities. Kriti enjoys working with writers on their research projects and assignments, as well as on high-stakes documents such as grant applications. She also enjoys brainstorming ideas for creative writing projects.


Meredith enjoys collaborating with writers to develop writing rhythms and practices that make intimidating writing projects more manageable—and perhaps a little more joyful. She likes diving into new disciplines and gets energized by learning what other writers are exploring or working to understand. Meredith got her Ph.D. from the U in Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior, so she is familiar with the challenges of scientific storytelling in journal articles, grants, fellowship applications, and dissertations, but she is always keen to support writing across all disciplines and genres. These days, she is very invested in teaching writing through one-on-one consulting and in the classroom but still retains a penchant for catching, identifying, and painting insects, which she studied during her degree. She is also a fluent French speaker.


Olga is a doctoral candidate in Cultural Studies, specializing in intersections of alternative film history and disability. She feels most at home in social science and humanities disciplines, having taught classes (and helped student write) on subjects including cinema, media, gender & queer studies, disability studies, critical theory, sociology, philosophy, and (art) history. Parallel to this, she is actively engaged in community writing efforts around the Twin Cities. Olga enjoys helping academic and non-academic authors (undergraduate, graduate, and beyond) at all stages of the writing and research process, from brainstorming ideas to finding and structuring arguments to proofreading or putting final touches on writing projects that are ready to be graded/published.